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Middle & High

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Korean Culture Festival!
To celebrate the 573th Hangeul Day on October 9th, 2019, KIS held a "Korean Culture Festival" to have time to realize the importance of Hangeul. Through the calligraphy experience exhibition that shows Korean's beautiful fonts, students and faculty/staff left their beautiful work by writing words of life value, on a frame or a cup. In addition, students and faculty/staff had time to keep in mind the importance of Hangeul once again while writing Hangeul phrases about our life goals on a T-shirt. Students and faculty/staff also had valuable time to study Hangul through O/X quiz about Hangul Day that many students can participate. Together, everyone shared time to appreciate Hangeul through prose, verse, poster, slogan, post card and design competitions, so that everyone could continue to feel proud of Hangeul.